
要从 **创意包** 页面将创意包分配到活动,请执行以下操作:

  1. 选择要分配的创意包,然后选择 **分配**。

  2. 将显示可用的活动列表。选中要使用所选创意的活动,然后选择 **分配**。

    Note: You can assign more than one creative pack to a single campaign. When a campaign contains multiple creative packs, an algorithm determines the optimal ad to display for each user. This means you don't need to create multiple campaigns to run additional creative packs for the same campaign setup. Multiple campaigns can share the same creative packs, as long as they're for the same app.

在 **创意包** 页面,**已分配到** 列会反映每个创意包关联活动的数量。您可以选择此字段以查看关联的活动。


要取消分配创意包,请按照分配步骤操作,但选择 **取消分配** 而不是 **分配**。

Note: If you attempt to unassign the only creative pack assigned to a campaign, you will receive a validation message, because deleting the creative pack will stop that campaign.